Distributor: Toei Animation
Genre(s): drama, action, adventure, sci-fi?
Age Rating: 13+
Episodes: 291
Aired: 26 April 1986 - 31 Jan 1996
Official Site: at http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/
Authors Rating: 3/10
I seriously don’t know where to begin. Right now, on one hand, I have my favorite TV show from my pubescent years while on the other I have a steaming pile of shit. As much as I would love to write a glowing review from the vantage point of my 13 year old self I just can’t bring myself to recommend Dragonball Z to anyone regardless of the nostalgia value it contains. While Dragonball Z is arguably one of the most popular anime ever, I can whole-heartedly state that it is also one of the worst. Besides the above-average musical score, DBZ suffers from poor animation, God awful pacing, and a chronic lack of originality after the first 40 episodes.

However, if the constant repetition isn’t enough to make one turn off the TV, the choppy and erratic animation will surely do the trick. I could take a box of crayons to a pre-school and get a flip-book better animated than Dragonball Z. The only difference is I wouldn’t make a killing on merchandising and licensing a terrible story about intergalactic muscle-men.
Of course Dragonball Z is targeted to entertain pubescent males and it succeeds quite well having managed to hold my attention during those years better than Power Rangers and Justice League. However, to the more seasoned anime fan, DBZ is nothing more than a nuisance, and should be watched only to remember those times when you enjoyed kicking the crap out of your sofa.
Thanks to Nihon Review